Varanasi Research Group


Toothpaste in Squeeze Bottle with LiquiGlide Coating

Side-by-side comparison of toothpaste in a LiquiGlide coated squeeze bottle (on right) and bottle with no coating (on left).

Contact line depinning from textured surfaces

S. Anand, A. T. Paxson, R. Dhiman, J. D. Smith, K. K. Varanasi, ACS Nano 2012

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Water drop impact on patterned rare earth oxide

Enhanced Condensation on Lubricant-Impregnated Nanotextured Surfaces

MIT News Cover Video: Enhanced Condensation on Lubricant-Impregnated Nanotextured Surfaces

Morphology of Frost Crystal on Lubricant Impregnated Surface

Dropwise vs. filmwise condensation

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