Author: campus
Henri Wins ACS Langmuir Award
Henri Girard wins the Langmuir Student Award at the 93rd ACS Colloid and Surface Symposium
Infinite Cooling featured on PBS News Hour
Infinite Cooling, a start-up that was born out of the Varanasi Lab group was featured on PBS News Hour.
Kripa Varanasi featured on BBC
Dr.Varanasi and Maher Damak were featured on BBCs ‘Follow the Food’. Watch the full video here.
Waterbowls: Reducing Impacting Droplet Interactions by Momentum Redirection
Henri-Louis Girard, Dan Soto, Kripa K. Varanasi. ACS Nano. Featured in The Economist,, Gizmodo, MRS Meeting Scene
Henri wins the Outstanding Graduate research Award
Congrats to Henri for being awarded the ME department’s award for Outstanding Graduate Research